Rib gallery

Katendrechtse Lagedijk 490B, 3082 GJ Rotterdam, Netherlands

Rib is a space for art, where the interplay between different forms and formats informs its layered and extra-disciplinary programme. Rib is driven by both the vision of the artists and the will to challenge the institutionalising conditions for the production and presentation of contemporary art. Since its inception, Rib has employed an evolutionary logic instead of a thematic succession; exhibitions, collaborations, recurring (online) residencies, long-term projects and off-site interventions all interlock to animate this living organism. Founded by Maziar Afrassiabi in 2015, Rib is housed in a former butcher shop in Rotterdam-Charlois.

Year founded
Founders still active?

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Total number of events: 26

Note that this eventslist has been deprecated

It used to show past and upcoming events from the facebookpage of this intiative. For various reasons it does that no longer. We decided to keep the past events, but we are no longer updating the list with new ones.